



August 2021

We welcomed Abbey and Alyssa, two new lab techs, to the team!


July 2021

Tuna had a blast this summer at MBL in Woods Hole, MA

as part of the Summer Program in Excellence and Success (SPINES), a competitive program designed to prepare trainees from underrepresented backgrounds to become leaders in neuroscience. Congrats Tuna!


June 2021

A collaborative paper with Hilary Coon's lab is published in

Molecular Psychiatry. Congrats to Nancy on her study of Neurexin-1 variants as risk factors for suicide. Check it out here.


May 2021

Omar joined the lab! He's a new grad student from the Molecular Biology Ph.D. program.


June 2020

COVID-19 and work from home can't slow us down! Tuna's inspiring story on how he made it the the U is featured in this video on the U of U Health YouTube channel.


June 2020

Paper alert!!!!!! Check out or new discovery that many disease-associated variants in Kirrel3 impair its synaptogenic function that was recently published in the J. of Neuroscience.


June 2020

Welcome Adam! Adam is a new grad student from the Neuroscience Ph.D. program


February 2020

Congratulations to the newly minted Ph.D. Dr. Matthew Taylor! He will be off to a postdoc at UC Denver this summer.


August 2019

Brooke Sinnen, Ph.D. joins the lab as a research scientist. Welcome to the team!


June 2019

Kudos to Dr. Anne Martin for winning the University of Utah’s CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award for Biology! Now she will represent the U nationally!


June 2019

Sujan's paper on postmortem human brain is published in the Journal of Comparative Neurology


April 2019

Welcome to Arnulfo "Tuna" Tunon-Ortiz, a grad student from the Neuroscience Ph.D. program and newest member of the Williams lab.


February 2019

Check out our first preprint on BioRxiv about analyzing spines and mossy fiber synapses in postmortem human tissue in collaboration with Drs. Sujan Das and Hilary Coon in the department of Psychiatry at the U.


October 2018

Congrats to Anne on her successful PhD thesis defense!


October 2018

Wow! Anne has her own art show! Check out her exhibit entitled "Fundamentals: a visual introduction to the world of neurobiology" at Utah's health sciences library and read more about it here. Congrats Anne!


September 2017

Our paper on cadherins in LTP was published in Neuron!

Congrats to Raunak and all our contributors.


Raunak's image and the Williams lab research was featured in a recent NIH director's blog! Check it out here.


May 2017

Our lab has a new paper analyzing mossy fiber synapses by 3D electron microscopy published in eNeuro!


December 2016

Congrats to Raunak for a successful Ph.D. defense! The first to graduate from the lab.


September 2016

Congrats to Matt! He was awarded the 2016 David R. and Isabelle E. Atherton Scholarship in the School of Medicine.


April 2016

Congrats to Anne for being named a Weatherstone Predoctoral Fellow from Autism Speaks!


February 2016

Welcome to Randi, our new postdoc and

Good luck to Shruti on her new position in Boston


October 2015

Our paper investigating the intellectual disability and autism associated gene Kirrel3 in hippocampal synapse formation is published in eLife


September 2014

Megan is awarded her first R01 grant from NIMH!